For every onegreenbottle sold, we contribute to extract 50 plastic bottles from the environment. We are Ocean Stewards. We are Certified B-Corp

We are a Certified B-Corporation – Verified as meeting the highest standards in social and environmental performance and accountability.

onegreenbottle is committed to helping to create a clean environment and the minimisation of our global reliance on single use plastics. For every single bottle we sell we recover 50 single use plastic bottles from the ocean.  We are proud to be an Impact Partner of Plastic Bank – we are helping to fund the infrastructure to manage plastic waste properly around the globe.

We have pioneered the manufacture and use of ocean harvested discarded fishing nets for use making our sports caps and continue to investigate the most planet-efficient processes for our products. It is many times more expensive to harvest and recycle ocean plastic than to purchase new plastic. The more businesses that take ownership of using recycled materials will drive the manufacturing costs down and give value to collecting plastic materials. We use BPA/BPS free polypropylene for our sports caps. Our caps pass FDA and EN14350 safety tests

Although we are manufacturing a product, this product will go on to have a net positive planet impact, will be carbon neutral within a couple of weeks of use and we commit 1% of our turnover to Carbon removal.


Plastic bottles collected together

In partnership with

Plastic Bank campaign logo

We also put huge amounts of work and effort into making our supply chain single-use plastic free. It isn’t sexy or marketable but it is hugely important and was a big win for us to achieve. Our products have been packaged without single use plastics for over 10 years but we have gone further than this and audited our entire supply chain to remove single use plastics. It is cheaper for the manufacturing process to wrap bottles in single use plastic bags rather than to create clean room conditions or to package in plastic rather than to handle more carefully and with greater consideration. We have engineered in systems and processes to remove reliance on single use plastics.

We have calculated that our amazing customers have already saved over 10 billion single use plastic bottles from going into landfill or into our oceans since we began over 17 years ago* through purchasing our stainless steel reusable bottles. If they are looked after, our bottles can go on for years and years and when you are finally ready to say goodbye, they are 100% recyclable. We are proud to be Ocean Stewards – plastic bank impact partners.

All of our products are shipped with zero plastic packaging and as an organisation we endeavour to become a zero waste company. Any waste we do produce is recycled.

Single use plastic bottles used for bottled water and smoothies are made from PET that can only be recycled once or twice. Only a fraction of plastic bottles put into recycling actually get recycled. Reduced reliance on single use plastic is a great step towards sustainable living


*If a person, on average, uses 252 single use plastic bottles each year and that person converts to a stainless steel reusable bottle with a lifetime on average of 5years. Pacific Institute. “Fact Sheet: Bottled Water and Energy – Getting to 17 Million Barrels.” December 2007.

Designed in Brighton

Our office is based in Shoreham Port in Brighton. The port is one of only 11 working ‘eco-ports’ in Europe

We design our products and coordinate the supply of products from our UK hub but also maintain logistics throughout Europe, Asia, UAE and USA. We challenge ourselves to find better ways to supply responsibly, ethically and with balanced carbon output

European manufacturing base – Technology transfer/investment: We regularly look for UK/European manufacturing bases for our products. So far we have not been able to identify any genuine UK/European stainless steel bottle manufacturing base. Our Impact statement and strategic plan drive us forward to look for alternatives or improve the existing supply base. We are already manufacturing caps from Ocean plastic and will be utilising recycled stainless steel for our bottles during 2023.

Measurement of true carbon footprint of product and reduction in carbon footprint: Whereas other suppliers make claims regarding the offset of their carbon footprint against planting trees we like to measure our carbon footprint accurately and work on its reduction or neutralisation through using renewable energy and alternatives. We would like to invest in growing trees anyway. In 2023 we will be partnering with Ocean Generation to plant Mangroves – more about that later.

Sustainable warehousing

Our new warehouse is state of the art and offers the best in Green Fulfilment. Outbound emissions account for a large part of the carbon footprint of our bottles so we are using zero emission and carbon neutral delivery partners. The warehouse is zero plastic waste and uses sustainable materials throughout.

Bottles with Purpose

We are far from perfect. We believe that we (and all organisations) should continually strive towards reducing environmental impact. Part of our B-Corp Certification is to provide and impact statement each year and to improve year on year.

Our 3 year plan is continually developing but we hope to be able to announce some of the following changes as part of our evolution

Measurement of fossil fuel/renewable energy used in production and goal towards sustainable energy source: China has some of the most advanced plans to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and reduction of the waste of energy through it’s transportation. We believe that in their higher tech industrial regions, they will be able to distance themselves from reliance on fossil fuels within a few years. Realistically, we have a big fat zero chance of influencing this so instead we will work with environmental groups such as Greenpeace to  develop a best practise environmental plan to identify what we can and should be doing.

100% use of recycled materials in products: We are making our sports caps from ocean harvested, recycled polypropylene. Although this is currently more labour intensive and requires more energy than creating virgin pp we believe that pioneering practise will one day result in a sustainable or circular loop of plastic regeneration. The plastic we use for our new sports caps will be ocean harvested fishing nets and bottle caps that have been carefully processed to ensure BPA/BPS free, non leaching, toxin free materials that meet the most stringest food safety certification. We are really proud to be an Impact partner with Plastic Bank and to support their goal of creating long term infrastructure and solutions to properly waste manage. In 2024 our stainless steel will be recycled stock

To work with a partner charity to supply stainless steel bottles as part of an educational program: It’s all about the kids. We are currently in discussion with a charity that educates young people about the impact of plastic waste in our environment and looking at sustainable alternatives.

To improve products to minimise waste/prolong product life whilst using safe and toxin free materials: If you look after your onegreenbottle it can last for years and years. Some of our favourite people have extremely battered bottles and are proud of how much their bottle has travelled and been refilled. We want our bottles to be durable and endure and although they can take a bit of rough and tumble they are not indestructible. The caps are made from BPA/BPS free polypropylene and this is more brittle then other, toxic, plastics but we would never compromise wellbeing against taking a little extra care with the cap. For all of our product ranges we have alternative caps, steel based screw in caps that are stronger. This is part of our drive to reduce waste and increase durability and as soon as we develop one new cap we will start to develop the next generation.

British reusable water bottle

About our manufacturing

Our manufacture is based in Zhejiang, China and they maintain BS EN ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management. They also maintain BCSI and Sedex accreditations which were established with the aim of measuring and improving social and environmental performance. The code of conduct in these specifications includes 11 fundamental principles based on International Labour Organisation standard and UN Charter of Human rights regulations.

The company is audited for:

  • working hours and compensation
  • occupational health and safety
  • protection for young workers
  • bonded labour
  • freedom of association
  • ethical business behaivour
  • discrimination
  • environmental protection.

We have an independent Chinese based quality team who are always on hand and able to visit regularly and  monitor product manufacture and manufacturing performance. Materials are all regularly tested by stringent 3rd party accredited SGS labs to monitor material compliance and chemical composition. Products are all manufactured under licence of their FDA and LFGB food safety certification and EU Regulation 10:2011. This ensures BPA/BPS non leaching food safe materials and that there are no impurities, contaminants or toxins.

All of our products are shipped by Sea. Our seafreight partner, OOCL, is leading the way in environmentally responsible shipping with proactive efforts in the 4 key areas:

Emissions reduction

Marine biodiversity conservation

Sustainable management of resources

Environmental promotion

Seafreight accounts for a fraction of the carbon emissions of airfreight and OOCL has taken the additional measures to negate the environmental impact of shipping. This award winning shipping organisation is committed to taking actions and formulating the relevant initiatives to protect the biodiversity and marine environment.

Transport, travel and storage